Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today started off great and ended hard. We woke up and I gave the kids breakfast. We had waffles, mixed fruit and bananas. Logan loved all of it, but I had to trick Aurora into eating the fruit, and she does NOT like bananas. Then we played for a bit. Afterwards I made meatloaf (thanks Jenn for the recipe ;), rice, mashed potatoes, peas & carrots, and corn. Rory loves mashed potatoes, Logan... not so much lol. So we all ate and then it was time for Rory's nap. She refused to take a nap, which means she was in a bad mood the rest of the day. Logan however, took a nice long nap and was a happy camper. Unfortunately for Logan, when Rory is in a bad mood my poor lil guy gets picked on. So we ended the day with tons of teary rubbing eyes time outs.

17/365 no nap = teary eyed time outs

Will is going in early to work which means he actually gets to see the kids before bed. Logan was loving Daddy giving him loving.
17/365 Kisses from daddy

1 comment:

julie said...

We have those days, a lot. A lot, a lot.
